Concept learning is based on hands on experience rather than rote learning. Exploring the child’s environment with the help of Montessori equipment augments the curiosity of a child’s natural learning ability & helps him learn as easily as learning to walk or breathe. In Montessori environment a child centered method focuses on the key developmental stages
- Language & Arithmetic skills
- Social Agility
- Independence
- Compassion
- Responsibility
- Empathy
- Confidence
- Imagination
- Self-Expression

Montessori Method aims at holistic development of the child. The following areas of activity cultivate the child’s adaption and enhance his ability to express and think.
Practical Life Exercises instill care for self, for others and for the environment. Though practical life exercises the child gains OCCI – Order, Concentration, Co-ordination, Independence and willingness to learn more while completing purpose daily activities.
Sensorial Material serves as a tool of development. Children build cognitive skills and learn to order and classify impressions by touching, seeing, smelling, tasting, listening and exploring the physical properties of their environment. The child’s senses are enhanced and sharpened through exposure to sensorial material.
Language is vital to human development. The Montessori environment is rich in oral opportunities, allowing the child to experience conversation, stories and poetry. The materials enable the child to link sound and symbol effortlessly, encouraging the development of written expression and reading skills. To further reading development children are also exposed to the study of grammar.
Arithmetic activities motivate children to learn and understand the concepts of math by manipulating concrete materials. This gives them a solid understanding of basic mathematical principles, prepares them for abstract reasoning and helps to develop problem solving capacities.
Geometry, Biology, Botany, Zoology, History are presented as extensions of sensorial activities. Children learn about people and cultures of different countries, feeling connected to the global human family. Lesson and experiences with nature inspire a reverence.